2024 Line of March
ESCORT DIVISION (Mamaroneck Avenue)
1) VOMPD Police Motorcycle Escort
2) American Legion Post 90 Color Guard followed by
3) Pipes and Drums of the Police Emerald Society of Westchester
4) Police Emerald Society of Westchester members
5) Parade Committee members with
6) Murphy Brothers white truck
7) 3 Kiwanis Classic Cars (green white and orange, representing the Irish flag
FIRST DIVISION (Mamaroneck Ave) 8) Grand Marshal Chance Mullen
8) Grand Marshal Chance Mullen
9) Aides to the GM – wife Francile, son Finnegan
10) Additional aides to the GM are Patrick Normoyle, John Waters, Jeff Watkins, Emlyn Taveras Russell Solomon and
11) Riding in a Kiwanis Club classic car aide Dan McLaughlin
12) Marshal Mhór Circle of past grand marshals Jim Killoran, and Raymond “Doc” Kiernan (in classic car)
13) The Dixie Dandies!
14) Daisy Troop 2728 (Murray Ave School kindergarten)
15) MAS
16) Kiwanis Classic Cars carrying Mrs. NY America, Melissa Luiso
17) Pelham Pack 8
18) School of Rock with music
SECOND DIVISION (Gertrude Avenue, near Mamaroneck Ave.)
19) Westchester County Exec George Latimer
20) New Rochelle Girl Scouts Brownie Troop 2588
21) VOM Mayor Sharon Torres and Trustee Nora Lucas
22) NYPD Emerald Society Pipes and Drums
23) GS Troop 2723
24) NYS Assemblyman Steve Otis
25) State Senator Shelly Mayer
26) Larchmont Engine 1 antique fire truck with
27) Mamaroneck Historical Society
28) Girl Scout Troops 1840 (K) and 2995 (2nd grade)
29) Kiwanis Classic Cars carrying some representatives from the
30) Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce.
31) New Rochelle Girl Scouts Brownie Troop 2588
32) New Rochelle Pack 1 Cub Scouts
THIRD DIVISION (Gertrude Avenue, near Ralph Ave.)
33) Doherty Petri Irish Dance
34) With music car
35) Daisy Troop 2549
36) Mamaroneck High School champion Field Hockey Team, riding in
37) Kiwanis Classic Cars
38) Brownie Troop 2622
39) X-Factor Drumline
40) Village of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. Chief Cars
41) Village of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. and Mamaroneck Green Fire Truck
42) Mamaroneck EMS
FOURTH DIVISION (Ralph Avenue, behind Mamaroneck Avenue School)
43) DSNY Emerald Society Pipes and Drums
44) County legislators Catherine Parker, Terry Clements and Nancy Barr
45) Sound Shore Lions Clubs
46) Kiwanis Classic Cars
47) Mamaroneck Youth Hockey Association
48) TOM councilwoman Robin Nichinsky
49) Wholly Brass Band
50) TOM Fire Dept.
51) Kiwanis Classic Cars
FIFTH DIVISION (Elliot Avenue, close to Ralph Ave.)
52) Larchmont Trustees Peter “Bubba” Fanelli and Brigid Brennan
53) Boy Scout Troop 4
54) Marching Cobras
55) Harrison Fire Dept.
56) Junior GS Troop 1851
57) Kiwanis Classic Car carrying Marie Moreno, representing Orange Bank & Trust, official sponsor of the parade
58) Dance Cavise
59) Girl Scout Troop 1519 Larchmont/Mamaroneck
SIXTH DIVISION (Elliot Avenue, close to Mamaroneck Ave.)
60) Purchase Fire Dept.
61) The Sword of Light Pipe Band
62) Girl Scout Troop 2698
63) Port Chester Fire Dept.
64) Animal Nation
65) Kiwanis Classic Cars (2)
66) The Big Finale – Ice Cold Performing Arts Drumline